Family & Crisis Counseling

The venue now facilitates PRAC’s vocational training course, personal development programs and community events throughout the year. PRAC hosts three distinct personal development programs on a regular basis. These include:While the first floor houses a free clinic, the ground floor features a large multi-purpose auditorium, comfortably seating up to 225 individuals.

Motivatisonal Seminars

As many as 200 adults attend this monthly self-improvement program targeting underprivileged families. The program explores powerful yet simple keys for self-improvement and aims to foster positive changes in habits and thought-processes, resulting in happier, healthier, and more productive lives. Some of the topics addressed are successful parenting, relations with others, communication, work ethics, nutrition and disease-prevention. 

Marriage Counseling

Group therapy has been proven to be an effective form of counseling, by providing a neutral environment to discuss problems with others in similar circumstances. Husbands attend this mid-week marriage counseling course, guided by experienced PRAC staff, which provides practical advice and interactive dialog in a relaxed, small group setting.